Could your vintage Lego set pay the college fees? | FT How to Spend It
From the 2007 Star Wars Millenium Falcon to the 1980s Lego Space series, Lego remains one of the most popular of collectable toys.
In a piece for FT How to Spend It, Tim Auld looks at the most highly sought after items and where to find them. Michael LeCount, who runs Sheffield toyshop Bricks and Bits, says, “Most of the demand is from adults who were growing up in the 1970s, ’80s and ’90s,… So, if you’re a child of the ’70s, you’d probably be after the yellow castle, number 375, the first Lego castle. For a true collector’s display piece, with its box and instructions, expect to pay around £200-£250 – and to sit back and wait. Unboxed ones, you can pick up for under £100.”
He says, “some of the best stuff I’ve come across is from actual auctions around the country,”adding that he keeps an eye on what is being listed via sites like thesaleroom.com.
Read the full article here.